Chem 1C: General Chemistry (English)
Course Information
Topics covered include equilibria, aqueous acid-base equilibria, solubility equilibria, oxidation reduction reactions, electrochemistry; kinetics; special topics.
Chemistry Dept. | Physical Sciences Sch. | University of California, Irvine
Keywords: General Chemistry,OpenChem,Chemistry,Chem,Eqilibria,Oxidation Reduction,Electrochemistry,Kinetics
The book(s) listed below are provided only as a service to learners who are looking for further exploration of this topic by
the listed professor or speaker. Unless otherwise stated, they are not licensed under a Creative Commons license.

- Author:
- Ramesh Arasasingham Ph.D.
- Title:
- Senior Lecturer
- Department:
- Chemistry
Chem 1C: General Chemistry by Ramesh Arasasingham, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.